Why you should treat your competitors as mentors


Truly gifted negotiators are those whose initial position is exaggerated enough that it allows them to make a series of concessions. The final offer from their opponent is then highly desirable for both of them. Of course, the first bid shouldn’t be insanely high, low or otherwise unacceptable. That is also true with your competitors.

We often believe that our competitors need to be treated as our worst enemies. That may be true for veteran companies that have been battling for dominance in their marketplace. However, when you are just getting started, the optimal approach may be very different. Recognize and learn from the past mistakes of your competitors. It saves you from wasting time, money and the humiliation they once suffered, claims the addicted2success.com website.

Learning from competitors is good for your income

When you are a newbie in your field, you should try to learn to beat others by learning from the best. This way you can accelerate your growth and also your success exponentially. That is why, especially for beginners, you  should work with rather than against your competitors.

Learn from the mistakes of others

Big competitors have already put in time, money and effort to get ahead. You must learn from the mistakes they have made. What qualifies someone as your competitor? It is up to you if you consider them a challenge to your success and business. Recognize their ability to drive revenue away from your business. When you are just starting, you should learn from those who are already doing it well.

Reciprocity works

When you are developing relationships with those in your marketplace, reciprocate. That means you should contribute your time and effort to satisfy the needs of others. That opens the door to reciprocity. Doing big favors for big players can bring to you huge opportunities tomorrow. Helping others can lead to beneficial partnerships in the future.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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