Do not assume that you know what others think or how they feel. You will never be as good at it as you think you are. Listen to them and ask questions to find out.
Instead of listening to others, we often begin rehearsing our responses in our heads. Try to consider how you can react to something you haven't heard. You can hardly react properly.
Some people only hear what they want to hear. They ignore any messages they don't like for some reason. However, this only leads to unnecessary misunderstandings and poor problem solving.
Especially during longer conversations, be careful not to start thinking about something completely different than the topic at hand. The better you listen, the sooner you'll understand and the conversation will end.
When someone tells you in advance that a person is such and such, be careful. Make up your own mind based on your own experience of listening to the person.
If you tend to start offering advice to others right away, you will never hear all the information. Showing you're listening and that you understand is more important than giving advice.
Once you start talking, you aren't listening any more. If you constantly complain, argue, or otherwise enter the speech of others, nothing gets solved.
You should not interrupt the conversation by saying: "Yes, you're right." People often only use this phrase to stop listening to others without trying to understand them. That is how they show clear indifference and disrespect.
Most people try to change the subject in order to talk about something they want to talk about. They want to avoid any unpleasant topics raised by the other person. Although this can sometimes be a short-term solution, it brings more harm than good in the long run.
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