How millionaires think differently from you


American Peter Voogd, author of the best-seller 6 Months to 6 Figures, really reached a six-figure income within six months. He was 23 years old at that time and started with nothing. At the age of 27, he has already been earning millions of dollars in multiple industries where he applied the same business strategy. Then he started training and trained more than 5,000 entrepreneurs.

He has also been studying the lifestyle of successful business people for over two decades, analysing what their success is comprised of. Besides many others, he has also analysed Jack Ma (founder of the Alibaba platform) or Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon). has now published a list of the seven most important ways in which the mindset of successful millionaires is different from that of ordinary mortals.

1. A mind open to new ideas

Successful people do not rely on old, established procedures but are constantly thinking of how they can move the current processes further.

2. Production

Millionaires are big consumers but at the same time also big producers. They ceaselessly work on new products and think about how to make their production more efficient.

3. Persistence

Successful people are not deterred by occasional failures but work day and night to achieve their goals.

4. Immunity to negative thoughts

Everybody who has achieved something big must have met on their way up many people who told them that this or that was not possible, that something would not work, etc. The fact they did reach their goals proves they are immune to such negative influences around them.

5. Role model

Successful people are open to advice but they are also mentors and opinion leaders who provide lessons and experience to others.

6. Self-confidence

Positive self-confidence is essential to any success but it must be based on something real, such as an in-depth knowledge of a certain business field.

7. Investment

Successful people are never finished. They see any success or achievement only as a better starting position for further projects in the future. They keep investing and they never rest on their laurels.


VOOGD, Peter: 6 Months to 6 Figures, Game Changers INC, 2014, 178 p.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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