Sell value, not price


Value selling is, in other words, offering your customer value. Your customers buy what you sell because they anticipate that they will enjoy a value that they wouldn't have if they didn't have your product or service. People don’t buy products. People buy the results. Brian Tracy, who has trained more than 2 million salespeople in 75 countries, talked about it on his blog.

Focus on explaining and expressing how your product, services or your abilities benefit your customer. When you talk about value, people will be less focused on the price. If you don't talk about value, the only thing left to talk about is the price.

What is value?

Value is the difference between the price you charge and the benefits your customer gets – or what he expects to get. If you control your customer's perceptions about your product, you control what value he thinks you can deliver. How you can help him to achieve his goals and solve his problems?

Here is a checklist to help you to identify the exact people you should be approaching.

  • Answer the following question: Who is the person who is most likely to buy your product and buy it immediately?
  • Think about your identified representative prospects. Are they male or female? How old are they? How much money can they spend? Do they have children? What is the level of their education?
  • Identify the problem your representative customers have and you can solve. Remember that sometimes the problems are not obvious.
  • Make a list of all of the benefits of your product or service. Also write down the ways your product will solve the problems you have identified.

Now you can go and sell your value to the right people.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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