Why you are not as productive as you could be?

You can often hear advice on how to become more productive. However, much less is written about what causes lower productivity. Focusing on how to get more work done every day may be beneficial, but let's try to look at it from the other side - think about what specifically holds you back. What are you doing wrong so that it results in a decrease in your productivity?


We have several interesting insights for you written by Canadian Chris Bailey. He decided to devote a year after finishing university to seeking various ways to become as productive as possible. He underwent a series of practical experiments, including using his smart phone just one hour a day for three months or working 90 hours a week for a month. He published his findings online as well as in a book and became a lecturer and expert consultant in the area of productivity. He considers the following habits fundamental errors that hinder our productivity:

You plan more than work 

You have to plan you activities to be productive, but not to the extent that you have no time left for your actual work.

You do multiple things at once

Stop multitasking once and for all. It's really not effective and it will not help you do anything faster.

You work faster than others

This will not help you either. You will slip back into multitasking soon.

You work like a robot

Many people do not plan their time. They just try to do as much work at once. People are, however, not robots. You should be able to identify your most important tasks.

You take no breaks

When you don't take regular breaks yourself, your brain will do it for you. You will simply not be productive no matter how hard you try.

You have a full diary

When you spend all your time at meetings, when are you actually working? You should always schedule time not only to work on your main projects, but also to deal with unexpected events.

You have an unhealthy lifestyle

Food high in sugar, salt and fat takes away your energy instead of boosting it. You may also lack energy because you don't have enough physical activity. Movement helps reduce stress. When you feel tired, try sport rather than increasing your intake of caffeine. Also, you should sleep at least 8 hours a day.

You avoid people

Do you think that communication and meeting others is only a waste of time? Sometimes it can be true, but there is no better way to get motivated for work than to stop isolating yourself.


Article source A Life of Productivity - a website of Chris Bailey from Ottawa, Canada
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