Deep learning: The future of automation is bright (1/2)

Andrew Ng, chief scientist at Baidu Research, has something to say about artificial intelligence. He can tell us what deep learning is and what it is good for. The method of "deep learning" comes under machine learning. It refers to software that improves its model of reality with the acquisition of more experience. 


For example, there is a neural network running on 16,000 computer processors (set up by Google) which browsed through 10 million YouTube videos. Finally, it became able to identify and seek the most popular YouTube genres, such as cat videos, on its own. Search engines and advertising placement platforms need artificial intelligence since they have to be able to satisfy vague and ambiguous requests from users, according to the website.

What is deep learning?

The computing power, data and expertise to create networks that learn concepts without being guided by a programmer have been available for only a short time. Deep learning networks can help make sense of the complex data which are gathered by organisations. Older approaches to AI algorithms couldn’t handle all the data we have today.

In the last five years, the computation that was needed to build large neural networks has appeared. Now we can exploit the data gathered from internet and mobile usage. We can deploy deep learning algorithms. Their performance increases as greater amounts of data are fed in. The highly accurate predictions which are obtained can generate tremendous revenues. Search results are much more relevant (which is good for both advertisers and users).

Ng is one of the leading advocates of technological development promoting the use of smart devices in everyday life. Voice commands, precision operations in agriculture, finance, manufacturing and medicine - all of these are gradually becoming reality.


Article source Strategy+Business - a U.S. management magazine
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Deep learning: The future of automation is bright (1/2)


Deep learning: The future of automation is bright (2/2)