Your blog: Never make these mistakes

You never know who might be reading your blog and you surely wouldn’t want your private life to become public. True, sharing small anecdotes from your life is great for establishing connection with readers. But never publish too much information – for example about your state of health.


Don’t seek sympathy from your readers

We all have bad experiences but constant complaints are not the kind of content people are interested in. People are drawn to blogs that are uplifting and encouraging. Be someone who has faced challenges and managed to survive them.

Don’t beg

Don’t insert too many requests for donations in your posts. Constantly asking readers to click on certain links is annoying. Your readers want to read what you wish to share, not be told constantly what they should buy, according to an article on the website.

Controversial subjects

Sex, politics and religion should preferably not be discussed in public. And you know what? Your blog is a public platform. The only chance for you to write legitimately about one of the afore-mentioned topics is if your blog is entirely devoted to one or more of them.

You just never know whom you end up infuriating. So although it is true that some bloggers make controversial references in order to get attention – and some traffic – you will be better off avoiding this.

Inappropriate remarks

Don’t attack others on your blog. It still isn’t okay even if you don’t name anyone. Your blog is not a weapon and freedom of speech isn’t always appropriate everywhere. Even if you genuinely hate certain people, keep it private.

Also be cautious with humour. What is funny to you may be offensive to others. If you feel like you have to use some humour, make sure it is amusing in a light and fluffy sort of way. Don’t target individuals.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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