Does today's world favour introverts? 4 reasons why it should

If you could choose, would you hire an extrovert or an introvert? You should know that some of the most admired leaders are or were introverts. Lincoln, Einstein, Gates, Buffett or Steven Spielberg … but why exactly?


Sadly, most people would still say that extroverts are better leaders. Yet the truth is that introverts have a lot to offer. As entrepreneurs, they are well-known for being ultra-focused and creative innovators. So here are four reasons why introverts can be the most successful individuals, brought to us by the website.

1. Introverts need a lot of time to think

Introverts prefer time alone.  In fact, being energised by spending time alone is the very essence of introversion. And that is the reason why they can come up with great ideas: they can solve seemingly unsolvable problems.

2. Introverts are good at managing uncertainty

Why? It’s their nature. Introverts typically analyse new business ideas quietly and internally beforehand. They think things through – and once they decide to move ahead, they cannot be stopped. They press on, knowing they’re following the right course.

3. They’re great listeners

We learn by listening, not by talking. You have to listen to your customers, to your employees, and to your vendors. If you’re a good listener, you can avoid expensive missteps.

4. They’re cool and calm

Extroverts have a tendency to lose it. Introverts, on the other hand, are typically calm and collected. Such a demeanour can work wonders when you are trying to build trust. You can also use this attitude to diffuse difficult situations. That can be helpful especially when you are starting up a new business.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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