Stop jumping from one task to another

Don’t merely fill up your working time with activities that lack real meaning. You should be concerned about the real purpose of any task you are about to do. Only then will you know what your priorities are, and what can be postponed or delegated.


It's basically about asking yourself why you have chosen to complete a certain task. Simple questions will give you the most effective guidance. In the end, it's still about defining your goals and tracking progress, according to the website.

Do you have plenty of things to get done?

To be productive, you need to choose carefully when accepting tasks. You can't just agree to take care of everything. That would keep you flooded in work, but not necessarily achieving true success. In fact, the people who are busy the entire day are rarely the most productive. Why? Action is not the same thing as accomplishment. It's always advisable to think about what you're doing.

Are you busy? Perhaps you aren’t as effective as you should be

If you can get the same result in just few hours, it's far better than spending days working toward the very same goal. So, you see? It is not about constant activity, instead, it's about achieving the results that you need to achieve.

What can help? Define clear objectives. Then find the strategy you need to achieve them. The next step is putting together a detailed plan and deadlines. Then you can start working on the tasks that you identified as necessary. Follow your path and track your progress, then measure what you can and assess how things are going.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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