The case of game app developers: active users provide excellent feedback

App developers can achieve success only if they learn from their customers – and competitors too. Be inspired and facilitate active feedback from your customers. And if you have many competitors, you can learn from them as well.


An example of an environment favourable to learning is the Apple App Store, where relatively small companies share technological architecture and also norms accepted by all participants. Here customers can suggest improvements and identify bugs; the message reaches developers very quickly. Such feedback enables the developers to know what is currently happening in the industry.

Active users offer the most useful feedback

Do you use surveys when you want to find out how good your product is? Surveys and polls, however, offer only limited insights. Respondents may not be the most knowledgeable. Here we can clearly see how insights and comments from active users provides the best feedback you can get.

Developers of games apps are learning fast – the market is competitive

An article on the website of the INSEAD business school claims that when games apps are compared with other categories of apps (books, business, lifestyle, news, travel, etc.), the games apps show an extraordinarily high level of innovative learning. Many modifications based on feedback from customers take place here.

Users who download games are also quite willing to spend some money on them. And that is the reason why developers in this category are highly competitive: they want to beat their competitors in order to make money.

Power of collective intelligence

Only active users can comment on your game – and they will often tell you what similar apps do better than yours. Feedback from users encourages developers to adjust and change their product. At the same time, users also learn new ways of using the app in question.


Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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