Celebrate when somebody else gets promoted

Do you remember when you heard about someone else’s success? Did you have feelings of envy, or did you feel glad that they succeeded?

It may be tempting to compare your achievements with other people, especially friends and acquaintances. However, you should be happy when others have good news. Don’t be jealous when they succeed. Celebrate with them, because that way you build and strengthen your positive attitude.

When you're captivated by others, you also nurture mutual bonds and extend your network. You may also feel that you're a part of something bigger, something that transcends you. These benefits are well worth it. Let’s see why it's also good for you.


1) Your mood will improve

When you feel good when someone else is successful, you simply feel good. These good feelings are what you need in order to accomplish your goals soon, according to an article on the addicted2success.com website.

2) You ego will not be too inflated

That's always a good thing. Even when you're currently at the top, the bubble of success can pop suddenly. Don’t become egoistical. Feel good about others too.

3) You will have more friends

It's true that everyone likes people who make them feel good. Praise others. Smile at them when they tell you their achievements. Not only will you be more popular, you may also get some inspiration. You may find role models to follow.

4) You will see that success is not a zero-sum game

Even if you find it painful, celebrate other people's achievements. The more times you do, the clearer it will be that there's enough success for everybody. Be excited for others and suddenly you'll step onto the road to your own success.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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