Be the master of - and not a slave to - your own time

Be self-critical and think about things you do that are not really productive. You may be surprised how much time you spend on pointless activities.

So what is really crucial to controlling one’s own time? It is to accept responsibility and then take it seriously.


It is your responsibility

This very day you should stop saying “I didn’t have enough time to do that”. Because guess what? You did have enough time. You just weren’t able to utilise it and finish the job. Don’t blame time. You are the one organising your schedule and therefore your own time too. Everything simply depends on you yourself - always.

Divide your time into intervals

Are you about to deal with a large task? Then divide it into subtasks that are relatively easy to finish. Especially if you are not very enthusiastic about the job you have to do, working for shorter time spans will make it more bearable. Take breaks, but always go back again to the job. You could work in 30- or even 15-minute intervals: that way, you will better control your time.

Put the activities that are stealing you time on paper

Very often people are not aware of what exactly sucks in their time. Suddenly the day is over and they realise they have done almost nothing. But they were doing something all the time, right? You just need to put together a personal list of the wasteful activities you regularly engage in. The truth may hurt, but make the list anyway.

The author of an article on the website admits that at the beginning of her career she was spending too much time on social media. The result? She was unable to meet deadlines, which drove away her clients. As soon as she identified the problem, her productivity immediately doubled.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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