Brian Tracy: Great leaders aren’t afraid of the truth

When someone cheats, he may be a winner, but only for a limited period of time. In the case of Enron, the company was considered to be one of the most innovating companies in the US; however, it was built on lies. The CEO knew all the most important people in the whole country, but there was no integrity.


In his article, Brian Tracy quotes Jon Huntsman, who created a big, successful chemical company from scratch. He never compromised his principles, and claimed that his integrity was what brought him success. Why do he and Brian Tracy think that winners never cheat?

Integrity is about doing the right thing simply because it's the right thing to do. When your integrity is important to you, you may not be the most famous CEO or a rock star among business leaders. You simply don’t need that because, for you, success is about doing the right things.

Keeping promises: A crucial part of integrity

If you only promise something after careful consideration, it will be good for you. You may even be reluctant to promise something. If you do so, it's much more probable that you will deliver on your promises. To follow through what you said with action is what makes you reliable and trustworthy.

What's the best thing about integrity? You don’t have to be afraid of the truth

When you act with integrity, you will never have to worry about facing the truth, because you aren't trying to hide anything. So the basic principle of integrity could be telling the truth at all times, even when telling the truth is unpleasant or when it doesn't suit your purposes.

Remember: when it comes to integrity, no exceptions are allowed. We can say that integrity is a state of mind, it doesn't just depend on the situation. 


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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