Push your career to the next level: How to approach a mentor

A mentor can help shift your mindset. That may be the quickest way of doing something with your professional life.

However, a mentor’s advice is not only limited to your career. Interesting people with knowledge and experience can provide you advice on life in general as well.


Here are three main phases, or steps, when approaching a possible mentor – as identified by the addicted2success.com website.

1) Don’t ask directly – the first step is about giving

Imagine the situation of a person who is far enough along in life for you to want to listen his advice. This type of person is very successful – and also very busy. So don’t ask, “Will you be my mentor?”.

These people won't say yes to everyone who randomly approaches them. You need to contact them and don't start begging or asking them for something – you need to start with giving them something them first.

Research what they are interested in or what they are dealing with. Helping them is a great gesture – and you will establish yourself as someone who is offering something of true value.

2) The process takes time, but it's worth it

After you have given something to the person that could be your mentor, you need to follow up and keep looking for ways on how you can interact with the person. Be engaged, because otherwise you could get forgotten.

By approaching the would-be mentor, you show him that you are serious. Eventually, the person may get interested in what you do and who you are.

3) Be ready to invest

If you don’t want to invest any money, or you have only limited time due to your work (or relationship or your hobby), then don’t expect that mentoring will help you. You must be very serious about your decision to grow and develop.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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