Brian Tracy: Set your subconscious clock

Do you need to improve your planning? Pretend that you are proficient in the art of personal efficiency and time management. Fake it until you make it – because if you pretend you are excellent, your mindset and imagination will affect your subconscious mind.

This means that via conscious thinking you can shape and change your inner, subconscious mind. Your life will then be easier because your mind will actually support you. When you want to improve yourself in time management, this is exactly what you need.

What other techniques were recommended by well-known motivational expert Brian Tracy?


Positive self-talk – programme your subconscious mindset

Positive affirmations can help. What are these? They are statements you repeat in order to fix them in your subconscious mind. Positive statements about yourself, your mood and your attitude will slowly start to foster the required behaviour, which will then become natural.

Repeat such statements as "I am excellent at time management!" or "I am using my time in the best way possible.”

With regular repetition, supported by strong emotion and enthusiasm, you can shape your subconscious mind to achieve better results in your life.

Visualisation can also help

You might try sitting or lying in a place where there are no distractions. You need a quiet location where you can be alone. If you can find total silence, so much the better. Use some relaxation techniques and then visualise the forthcoming event (it might be a meeting, presentation, or even a romantic date for that matter).

Picture yourself being calm, positive and in complete control. Also imagine other people: try to see what they are doing and hear what they are saying. Try to imagine the situation as you would like it to be.

You can also meditate a little. You will feel relaxed and full of energy: meditation is a good way to have a quick rest.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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