How to make the most of your content and brand on LinkedIn

The LinkedIn network interconnects more than 467 million users globally. Even if we stick just to our own country, getting your profile noticed among so many professionals requires maximum effort and know-how. 

LinkedIn asked its most successful users who among their "competitors" had the greatest impact with their entries and articles, and then put together tips on how you can achieve maximum success on this professional social network.


The server compiled and summarised the following personal branding tips obtained by LinkedIn from its own VIP users:

1. Provide content for a specific target audience

The biggest mistake is to write articles and provide content that is meant for "everybody". That means it will virtually be of benefit to nobody.

Think about whom you want to address. Freelancers in a certain field? Top managers of companies engaged in a specific business sector? Graduates looking for a job in the banking sector? The more specifically defined your target audience, the better.

2. Think about the heading

The heading of your article can make the difference between a successful text and a complete failure. Even if your text is pure genius, it will most likely pass unnoticed if you do not come up with a catchy heading.

These days, when users are constantly being bombarded with information, you cannot expect them to read something that does not catch their attention with a heading.

3. Communicate with readers

LinkedIn, similar to other social networks, is based on user interaction. Keep in mind that in order for your article to have the desired impact, you must keep reacting to readers' responses in the comment section even after you have published the article. Be in constant touch with your target audience.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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