Machines can't replace successful leaders (yet). Why?

What exactly is machine learning? Basically, it's about getting automated systems to learn how to identify patterns and relationships in data, with many variables. How can leaders outperform machines? Build and protect the dynamic of your team to gather new ideas.


Very soon, robots won't only flip hamburgers faster, but also crunch data faster – which used to be the domain of highly-educated actuaries. Still, there are some contributions that only the human mind can offer. Non-linear learning and creative thinking are important, claims the website.

The spark of curiosity

Machines can make sense of data very quickly. However, leaders who are able to say that they don’t know can make a much bigger impact. If they humbly observe how their customers are really interacting with their products they can create and promote curiosity. That's something that machines can't do – encourage others to be curious.

Asking is a powerful tool

Most leaders might have the feeling that they have no time – and therefore they need to tell others what to do.

Although starting and facilitating such a discovery-based conversation can seem inefficient to you at the time, it's the way to get others to generate new ideas.

We, as people, can simply put our cognitive puzzles together in ways that are different.

Diversity – encouraging differences

Thinking that can change the game usually stems from a rich mix of different perspectives. You simply need to bring together different people with different experiences and ideas. However, that's just the first step.

You also have to orchestrate this kind of experience – you need to ensure that all views will be discussed, and also that the environment is safe and respectful. 


Article source - network of professional blogs
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