Base your career on a professional network - you need no more than 10

Connections can offer cooperation you may not expect. Building connections has evolved over past few years. Increasingly, meetings take place on social media platforms.

Formal introductions are no longer a necessity. Through social media, you have the power to build your own circle of business contacts from scratch – and you don’t need hundreds of acquaintances.

Your professional relationships will be a source of useful guidance. With strong relationships, new doors open. A solid network of individuals you know will drive your success to the next level.

How can you build your core network of professional contacts and who should be included?


Target a group of no more than 10 leaders. Identify executives who hold influential positions at companies or industries that you are interested in. Look for executives who embody the values you want to nurture, advises the website. Choose from the following people:

1) Mentors

Maintain connections with your mentors and make your relationship grow.

2) Ex-colleagues

Ex-colleagues will remind you of what your important goals were at the beginning.These connections will add the perspective of long-term credibility to your network. You should interact with them approximately every 6-8 months. Learn something about their current situation and current developments in their organizations.

3) Aspirational leaders

Surround yourself with people who achieved what you want achieve one day, too. Remember that not everyone wants to be a mentor or help you to grow your career. You need to develop a relationship so they feel they are gaining something from you too.


Article source - network of professional blogs
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