Brian Tracy: How to get closer to your dreams

Some of us probably never take the time to set goals, but you must do it. The next step is to plan what your path to success will look like. Without a plan, you'll be confused and have nothing you should stick to.


So plan what you will do in order to move toward your goal today, urges the renowned Brian Tracy in his article.

If you are a goal-setter

If you are a goal-setter, you take a piece of paper or open a document on your computer and write: Vacation, summer 2017. Then you write down several ways how you can decrease your spending in order to get the vacation. Perhaps you can cut back on your coffee purchases, perhaps you'll eat in a restaurant fewer times per week.

You somehow put together the ways that will give you a solid stash each month. You make your calculations and know how much money you'll save before summer comes. You may have several months to pile up the necessary funds. You have your plan to follow – and a vacation to go on.

If you aren’t a goal-setter

Non-goal-setters are not into planning their steps. They do have ideas and things they want to do, but they never find the time to prepare a solid plan. That's the main reason these people don’t achieve their goals.

If they want to save some money in order to go on a vacation, they just make a mental note that they need to cut back their expenses. But they never make a real change.

So now you have a clear idea of the difference between people who set goals and the others.

Goal-setting is a necessity for achieving your goals. You must set up a specific plan. Without it, you don’t know how to move from where you are in the direction you would like to. Take action to get what you want.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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