What do current and future employees expect from technology?

Goldman Sachs claims that the virtual and augmented reality market will grow to 80 billion USD in revenue by 2025, following the expansion of these technologies beyond the entertainment sphere.

What will this mean for employees and employers?

According to a study entitled Generations series 2017, conducted by the INSEAD business school and Universum, only 3% of the working population use virtual reality applications to do their work. However, one third of them expect that virtual reality will revolutionise their work in the upcoming 10 years.

More than 18,000 students and professionals were surveyed. They were representatives of generations X, Y and Z. Those forming generation Z (people who were born between 1997 and 2002), are fascinated by the capabilities of virtual reality and they also expect it to have a profound impact on work by the time they start working.


Working whenever you want: technology-enabled flexibility

Employees and employees-to-be want technological innovations to bring them a more flexible working environment. More than 70% of respondents view flexible working as an important opportunity for their career in the next decade. This applies across all three generations.

Generation Z, however, simply think of flexibility as an integral part of their work. They are quite sure that they will be using collaboration tools literally every single day – or even every hour.

Online trainings and virtual HR

Online courses would be taken by up to 80% of respondents across all the generations. However, the youngest generation would still prefer in-person training sessions. Companies will need to prioritise whom they will train since in-person training is expensive.

New technologies for back office will help to evaluate employees and recruit top talents.Virtual reality office tours could become what will persuade future talents to join your firm.


Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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