Don’t criticise or condemn: instead, raise your team’s self-esteem

If your colleagues are more successful than you in some areas, don't hesitate to admire and praise them. At the same time seek ways to achieve better results yourself. Try simply to be even more effective than they are.

Never complain about people and problems. It is far better to use this mental energy to find good and appropriate solutions.


Don’t complain: instead resolve problems and causes instead of merely criticising. This is the advice of famous speaker Brian Tracy, published on his blog.

Are you a manager who complains?

Don’t complain. Especially if you find yourself associating with others who like to complain, you know you have gone too far. If you go out for lunch and coffee breaks with people who are forever criticising, then complaining will become natural to you.

But by complaining, you are positioning yourself as a victim and that will make you feel bad. That leads to feelings of rejection, isolation and anger. You will lose your self-assurance and your self-esteem will decline.

So if there is an issue, discuss it. If you are dissatisfied with a certain type of behaviour or an outcome, you are the one who is manager. So you must intervene actively and solve the problem. Be honest about the difference between what you expected and what was delivered.

Are you a manager who criticises someone for whatever reason?

You should never condemn other people. If you do so, you demoralise those listening and harm the self-esteem of the person concerned (if they can hear you).

Even if you condemn someone from outside the company, it may happen that eventually someone will tell them. And the retold version will be distorted, so the impact could be even worse than you might have thought.

Get up and create a positive environment

If you develop qualities of positive leadership, your attitude will shed a warm light and make the workplace positive.

You are the one who should create an environment in which people are relaxed and feel good about themselves and their work. You will raise the self-esteem of everyone in the workplace. Empower your team to perform at their best. Remind them repeatedly that they are good. And also that you believe in them.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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