The types of people who can undermine your success

Some people are good for your success, some can hinder it. You should limit the amount of time you spend with the latter. 

If you want to succeed, it's vital to surround yourself with people who help you and won't inhibit your growth. 

You need people who can support you, even when things get bad, so don’t waste your time hanging out with people who are angry all the time. Do you know people who belong to one of following categories?


1. Complainers

They complain all the time. Their life is miserable, and their job is just terrible. If you spend too much time with them, you'll adopt the same negative way of thinking. Don’t spend your time with these individuals.

2. Doubters

They listen to your dreams, but they always say that don’t think it's a good idea. They only believe that people with advantages can build big things – and that can be pretty discouraging to hear all the time.

You should have people around you who encourage you and lift your spirits. Doubters won't do that, warns the website.

3. The entitled

They feel as if they are entitled to certain things, and they believe they shouldn't be forced to work in order to have these things. They think that their family, their friends or the government owe them something all the time.

You'll hear that the government doesn’t allow people to be successful and that you shouldn’t even try. However, in reality, we're not entitled to anything at all. We have to work and strive, but the entitled don’t get it.

4. The conformers

Conformers don't have dreams. They're happy with the status quo and do everything correctly – but somehow mechanically. However, if you're a person who wants to follow your dreams, you can't conform to the average. Yes, you can work a full-time job, but you should still be able to find some extra effort in order to start building your dreams.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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