How to annoy local people on your holiday

Summer and the holidays are here and we become tourists. We want to relax and have fun. We travel to foreign countries but often don't realise how we should behave properly in them.

You will certainly have met foreign tourists behaving in an unacceptable way and that most likely made you feel uncomfortable. You may even have experienced some open conflicts. We could list many examples since all this stems from cultural differences.

Today's article will describe the major ways of upsetting local people in different countries as a tourist.


Business Insider highlighted the following offences against local standards of behaviour most commonly committed by tourists in European countries.

Denmark, The Netherlands - Ignoring bike paths

Especially in large cities there are cycle paths between roads for cars and pavements for pedestrians. Tourists often confuse cycle paths with pavements: they step inside them, place their luggage on them, take photos standing on them and all this blocks cyclists.

When tourists rent bicycles, they often confuse cycle paths with pavements. They also forget to give hand signals to indicate a change of direction.

Croatia - Taking photos in dangerous places

Many Czechs holiday in Croatia, a country they connect with Winnetou. So they often visit places where the famous Wild West films with Winnetou were shot.

Yet even repeated appeals to tourists not to climb rocks can't prevent some individuals from trying to take selfies in such off limits places as the Plitvice Lakes. Every year unnecessary injuries and even deaths occur here.

Italy - Lack of respect

Ancient and other historical monuments are not meant for people to climb on or bathe in. According to local people, many tourists lack not only respect for the monuments but also interest in obeying the rules when visiting them.

The Italians also don't feel comfortable when tourists demand meals that are called Italian in their home countries but in fact have nothing in common with Italy. Examples of such meals include sweet pizzas or the combination of spaghetti and meatballs.

Germany - Selfies from concentration camps

There is nothing funny in the Nazi history of Germany. In places where thousands of people died and today we honour their memory, it is inappropriate to take photos in cheerful poses or to mimic Adolf Hitler.

Norway - Climbing on glaciers

Glaciers are not surrounded by fences and warning signs just for the sake of it. The glaciers are really melting and cracks are emerging in them. Tourists should follow marked paths for their own safety. Yet there are still those who climb on glaciers despite any bans.

UK - Too loud speech

The British are rather closed people. They don't like noise and loud speaking. When, for example, in the Tube during the peak hour, tourists would definitely do best to remain silent or only speak quietly.

If you're travelling to a developing country, do not photograph local slums, poverty and beggars. And forget about begging on the street yourself to get more money for your trip.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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