Brian Tracy: How to become professional speaker

If you want to deliver speeches for a living, count on it being difficult. Trying to become a professional is no easy task – so tips from a renowned expert may come in handy.

If you're going to promote your speaking services, you should speak about the change and outcome that occurs when people listen to your speech. Don’t mention the material you cover in the talk, focus on the transformation and desirable outcome.

What else did Brian Tracy, famous coach and motivational speaker, learn from his extensive experience in public speaking? He shared some tips stemming from his deep knowledge of this field on his blog.


You have to want it badly

If you want to be a public speaker, you should ask yourself why. Do you want to be a star on the stage and make money? According to Brian, these reasons aren't enough.

If you really want to become a professional, you have to have a burning message. This message must be useful for others and you have to feel an urgent need to share it.

Also remember that even one of the most successful speakers who ever lived went through 3,000 speeches before he was finally paid to do so. It was Zig Ziglar who used to work and speak with Brian Tracy for several years. Zig would give a little sales talk to his sales colleagues every morning. Eventually, he became brilliant speaker.

Don't reject opportunities

It may be difficult to find an audience. And that's why you shouldn’t turn down a single opportunity to talk. When someone invites you to speak, grab that chance. If you can collaborate with an organization that has its own audience, that saves a lot of effort.

It can be difficult to get some people together in a room, says Brian. And last but not least: although that may not be true for all countries, Brian Tracy claims that more than 85 % of all speakers get hired because someone else recommended them.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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