Public speaking and presentation skills (2/2): Tips to follow

In the previous article, we got some insights into why presentation skills and public speaking are important, and what we can do to develop them, even if we don’t want to pursue a career as a professional motivational speaker.

What tips does the famous speaker Brian Tracy recommend following in order to increase your confidence and give more successful presentations?


1. Visualize standing ovations

Visualize a positive speaking experience many times, and make your subconscious mind believe that you have delivered many successful talks.

Trick your mind into feeling secure and confident. This way you will get rid of any subconscious doubts.

Picture yourself standing calmly on the stage with a smile on your face. Imagine and see your audience being captivated by your speech and hanging onto every word you say.

2. Like yourself – and mean it

Prepare yourself mentally for your speech by repeating to yourself the words that you like yourself. The effect of these words is miraculous. Your fears will disappear and you will have much higher self-esteem.

Presenting in front of small audiences

You'll probably deliver speeches during meetings or in front of rather small audiences many times in your career. Preparation is essential. If you come into a meeting unprepared, you lose your position of influence and achieve no results.

During your presentation, when possible, you should try using storytelling to keep your colleagues engaged. Use very short stories, and they don’t even have to be your own – any story is better than no story.

Presenting for larger audience – you need structure

Again, try telling stories, and longer ones too. The basic structure of your talk should be the opening, three key points and the conclusion.

It's best to have a strong opening, your first key point, and then a story. Then you can move to your second key point, and a second story. Then comes your third key point and another story. After that, summarize and close.

Stories link your speech together. They can be inspiring, or emotional. When it is a story about achievement through determination, it can be truly inspiring.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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Public speaking and presentation skills (2/2): Tips to follow