How to become successful (and maybe also rich) through blogging

That you shouldn’t cover your entire site with ads is a no-brainer: this is something completely irrelevant to readers, as well as extremely distracting. You would thus clearly show that valuable content is not your number one priority. Your site should not resemble a billboard.


One man in the US currently earns 10,000 USD every month thanks to blogging. His blog is about fancy designs of cactuses. Would you like to make money through blogging as well? If so, here are some tips from an article published on the website: they come from the founder of the site himself!

Let your vision guide you

He was offered millions of dollars for the Addicted2Success website three years after he started it. After some ups and downs, including various technical problems and doubts, he gradually learnt how to create a truly successful blog. Vision is crucial because it disciplines you, chooses your friends, and decides to what you say yes and to what you say no.

Share and care

You are part of a community that shares information online and, when someone provides an excellent article, you should feel free to refer and link to it. Other bloggers simply love this. You will be amazed by how many opportunities come back to you and how people will be willing to support you.

Furthermore, they will usually link back to your site. The reality is that people look at other websites anyway, so you really won't lose your regular audience by sending them to another site. They will know that you are directing them to quality articles, so they have reason to trust you and then return to your site.

Be careful about studying competitors

Yes, you should study your competition; if, however you are about to blog, it is better not to do so. You need to have your unique voice to attract like-minded peers.

By writing articles in your own style, you put yourself in a position where you have no competition at all. Of course, you also need to understand your niche. Your subject must not be too broad. Don’t expand your scope to everything in an attempt to cover all industries: it is better to focus on just one particular field.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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