How to achieve more with the same amount of time

We're used to reacting – we're used to checking and responding to digital tools very quickly. But those email and Facebook checks add up. Your time is precious, hence you should plan better. The temptation to waste time won't get you.


Live proactively. Take control of what you do – and when. These three proactive habits were recommended by website. By using proper planning, you can secure enough time for the activities that are really important to you.

1) Schedule for the day ahead

 Have a plan prepared for every single day. You should know the details about what you're going to do and when. It only takes a couple of minutes in evening to plan your day hour-by-hour. Include the commitments you already made (maybe you already have a meeting scheduled), and also block a few large chunks of time to actually work on your priorities. 

It can be fairly brief, but it still should cover the whole day. Without a plan, it’s easy to spend the time merely reacting to others. You'll decide to attend a last-minute meeting or take on additional tasks.

2) Be available to communicate only when you want to

Yes, it's true that you'll need to respond either personally or digitally at some point. But you should determine in advance exactly when you’re available, either for discussing issues or answering emails. Find one or more blocks of time for that in your daily schedule.

That way, you have a block of time entirely dedicated to communication. You'll also set expectations for others. You can't be interrupted all day long with questions and requests.

3) Focus

Only do one task at a time. When we try to multitask, in reality we’re doing individual actions in rapid succession. Eliminating digital distractions will help us focus.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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