A fundamental shift is coming: A single holistic network

The Internet of Things will connect every person and every thing into a single global network. The network effect will be accelerated – as a result, power will be shifted from elites to peers, mass collaboration will be possible and collective intelligence will produce very intelligent results very quickly.


The Internet (of Things)

The impact of the Internet varied among industries. While media and retail were transformed profoundly, healthcare or energy were not because the only change was that existing product models were digitized.

However, the Internet of Things will change everything. All machines and vehicles will be connected via a growing number of sensors. According to an article on the management-issues.com website, the crucial attributes will be that this Internet will be able to recognize weak signals (patterns that a human mind doesn’t notice) before they become strong, and spot patterns before they cause a problem.

The transformation of healthcare, transportation … and everything

Once all sensors are fully interconnected, early warnings will be available. Patients will be warned well before a problem with their blood pressure brings about a stroke or a heart attack. Connecting sensors with medical records will provide valuable assistance to medical personnel and can even provide diagnoses.

The transportation industry will be transformed by driverless cars. The impact is not to be underestimated. Ultimately, autonomous vehicles won't be individual drivers (human or automated), but the whole system. The system will know what all the other driverless cars are doing in real-time, and that can reduce car accidents drastically.

In financial services, blockchain technology removes the need for financial intermediaries. Similarly, people will be able to share solar energy in an energy field.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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