Wealth management in the years to come (2/2)

The previous article described how technology and new target groups will play their roles in the field of wealth management. Today we will focus on the challenges faced by female investors and on other changes we can expect in asset management.


Wealth Management Unwrapped, a book by expert Charlotte Beyer, attempts to demonstrate that people don’t have to become technical experts in order to manage their wealth properly.

They just need to think about their own wealth and know what they want to do with it. Then they have to entrust it to the right people who will take care of their plans.

Challenges women face

Are the challenges faced by investors different if they are women? It is a fact that women tend to live longer than men; moreover, a large number of women manage the finances of their families.

Different women then have different investment goals. A newly widowed woman is in a completely different situation to a young single woman who is just starting her career. The approach to her as a client must be different, according to an article on the website of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

Innovation and disruption will continue

Some things will change but other things will remain the same. It used to be the provider who held the most power. Today people are CEOs of their own wealth. However, we know from our own experience about CEOs who are way too stubborn: they are autocratic, they simply don’t listen to others and they fail to hire the right people.

So if investors suddenly gain too much power without realising there needs to be a balance, troubles may soon arise. New technology will let us focus more on setting goals, plans and thinking about which outcomes are desirable and which are not.

After all, it is not about the money: ultimately, wealth and property should be something that brings us joy by enabling us to do something in our lives.

Book: Beyer, Charlotte: Wealth Management Unwrapped (RosettaBooks 2014, 138 pages)


Article source Knowledge@Wharton - the online business analysis journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
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Wealth management in the years to come (1/2)


Wealth management in the years to come (2/2)