Perpetual state of action: How to improve your life for good

Taking action to build up your self-confidence is a no-brainer. There are always unexpected curves on the road to success, but if you follow these  steps, you'll gain personalized knowledge and get rid of many of your fears.


Two steps recommended by can truly change your life. Reflect on what you do. Regardless of the result, you can always learn something. You can also train yourself to feel good about yourself, regardless of what others say about you.

1) What is the one thing you can learn?

You need to learn from the action you take immediately. Ask yourself every time, what's the one thing I can learn from this – from the action, the conversation, the interaction.

Success isn’t about trying to do a million things at once. It's about doing just one thing, but doing it very well. To improve, simply learn the best thing you can, one at time.

As soon as you start asking this question, you'll start collecting insights that you otherwise would have missed.

2) Validate yourself

With constant positive and authentic self-talk, you have a great coach and friend at hand. Validate yourself with positive self-talk. You're not giving yourself false hopes or empty affirmations.

You're simply praising yourself because you took action, and learned something from it. This way, you'll stay confident regardless of whether you've achieved what you wanted or not. Sounds like growth mindset, right?

You're staying active – you're learning, you validate yourself, independent of the more or less externally-driven result.

Repeat these two steps – search for your personalized nuggets of wisdom and validate yourself by reminding yourself that you are continuing to take persistent action.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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