A guide to overcoming your fears

In order to rid yourself of your fears, you first need to identify the biggest ones, then set up your own support system, and finally take action to defeat these fears and prevent their return.


Be it public speaking, starting a new business, or anything else that makes you uncomfortable or even fills you with horror, you can overcome your fears by using the following tips offered by the addicted2success.com website.

1. Write your fears down

You will thus acknowledge what you find scary. So do so and bring your fears to light. Be very specific.

2. Prioritise

Rank your fears from the worst to the least scary. A good measure is to think about how much a particular fear disrupts your daily life. If some fears are interconnected and can be combined into one broader category, that is fine.

3. Get yourself together

Don’t merely believe in yourself. Build in support systems that will support your confidence. This may be a list of uplifting affirmations which you will repeat to yourself every morning.

4. Take action

Tackling your biggest fear at the outset may be too big a stretch for you. So begin by tackling your fifth or third fear instead. Build momentum by starting small. You will thus acquire more courage for tackling the biggest fear in the near future.

5. Be consistent

Set regular appointments for meeting and addressing your fears. Be as consistent as you can.

6. Reinforce what goes well

When trying to conquer fear, the first time may be hard for you. But later you can look back at that situation and acknowledge that eventually you did manage to push past that fear.

7. Hang on in there

There is no quick fix, so don’t let your spirits sink. Use this approach any time you have a major fear.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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