Stop abusing social media – or they will abuse you

Are you using social media in harmful ways? And do you know what these harmful ways look like? We do have choices – even when it comes to social media.


An article on the website warns us: always be aware of your own intentions. If you really are just looking for information, that is okay. But several other instances of the use of social media may not be good for you. Our self-esteem should not come from external validation.

1) Wasting time

There is nothing more valuable than one's own time. You can make more money, but never more time. So with a little bit of reflection, you may realise you spend too much time looking at funny memes on Facebook.

If you free up several hours by reducing your time spent on social media, you can achieve many things. If you insist on being online, you can listen to podcasts or read something new, or even take part-time classes via online universities. Any of these options will really bring you closer to your goal.

2) Replacing in-person interactions

You obviously can't meet all your friends in person. But if someone is in the neighbourhood, you should prefer a quality one-on-one conversation. Almost nothing is more important in life than relationships. Success isn’t limited to getting richer or gaining power. We need to maintain meaningful relationships with others.

3) Defining happiness according to social media

You don’t need to stalk your ex on social media. Do they appear to be doing all the happy and fun things you never did together? In reality, people post pictures all the time showing themselves happy and excited – and then one day you hear that they have problems or are not very happy at all.

On social media, we usually show only the pleasant side of our lives and we don’t generally share our failures. At the same time, the fact your feed or timeline are empty does not mean that your life also is empty.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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