What mistakes do bad managers make?

"What is your boss like?" A frequent question among friends in the pub. Having a boss who inspires maximum performance, or one who demotivates and drags you down – this is what plays a crucial role in the performance of employees and their overall results. A "bad boss" can be fatal for the whole team. Here are some mistakes that bad managers most often make.


Inability to take responsibility

Have you ever had a boss who would never admit to having made a mistake? According to INC.com, this is one of those negative features that can turn a team manager into a bad boss. Instead of making excuses and badmouthing marketing, other teams, management or a low budget, the boss should always think in positive terms and, together with the team, do whatever is in their power to achieve the best possible result.

Unwillingness to stand up for employees

A team leader is someone who must fight for both sides. The boss must fight with the team for the good of the company, but also with the company and the management for the good of the employees. A boss who is unwilling to stand up for their employees, or one who even puts them down and accuses them of incompetence when they were only following the boss's orders, will ultimately finish badly.


Above all, a team manager should be able to motivate the employees to give of their best. This requires having many personal traits, such as an ability to motivate, praise, call for a better performance, and above all constantly seek more and more new business opportunities and methods. If the team manager fails to develop their own abilities, is unable to react to new challenges and only keeps the team running in the technical sense, something is wrong.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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