Stressed out by work? 5 steps towards improvement

Work is high on the list of things that cause stress. Many people fear the sound of the alarm in the morning as it means another day of going unwillingly to work. For numerous people, work-related stress then affects their personal lives or becomes chronic. So how to fight against stress at work and deal with it before it becomes a serious problem?


1. Start with simpler tasks

If you are overwhelmed with work and find yourself paralysed by the amount that needs to be done, advises starting your day, contrary to all the established rules, with the simpler tasks. Doing these tasks will give you the necessary zeal and self-confidence to work on the more complex tasks later in the day.

2. Improve communication with  management

At the root of stress there is often bad and unpredictable communication with managers. Improve relationships with your superior, learn to communicate better and create a relationship of mutual trust, no matter if you like the person or not.

3. Do not get involved in office dramas

Give a wide berth to office politics, badmouthing and workplace conflicts. Try also not to show any personal sympathies or dislikes at work. Get along with everybody, do not take sides and always stay away from any drama.

4. Solve your personal life

An unsatisfactory situation in your personal life often leads to feeling stressed out at work as well. If one part of your life stops functioning as it should, this influences the other part too and you end up in a vicious cycle. So do your best to solve any problems in your personal life.

5. Relax

Relaxation and regeneration are necessary to overcome work-related stress. Relax regularly. And always take a rest if you are sick.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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