How to get more from your life

Maybe the best you can do to manage your time better is to slow down and contemplate some of following suggestions


1. Take personal days

It may be reasonable to take one personal day regularly. Just take one day a month to rigorously outline your plans and reassess your objectives.

A personal day is a day dedicated to reflection and personal development. It may sound strange, but it actually may be the best single thing to do for a better future. Half-days don’t work. You need to set aside an entire day.

2. Spend time with people who aren't like you

People you spend time with influence you. They also affect how you spend your days. So try to spend time with people that add something to your life.

If you spend time with people with similar backgrounds and similar views as you, you become closed to the rest of the world. If you're serious about stretching yourself and reaching new goals, you need to get out of your comfort zone and explore new fields. So spend time with people who push you somewhere else.

3. Plan some time blocks for real work

When you're at work, it's advisable to structure small blocks of time into your typical work week. Build in two hours of time. Or you can block 30 minutes before you leave home every morning. Allow yourself some distraction-free time to work, advises the website.

4. Have fun

Don’t take pride in how stressed out you are. These people usually switch to the other extreme when the weekend comes. They drink a lot or watch movies the whole time. That's not a good way to live.

Look for ways to have fun in the moment. Talk to your colleagues. Give compliments to people around you. Make connections with others. Learn new things.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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