Do you want more sales? Understand your customers’ emotions

People make a purchase emotionally but then they need to defend what they have done rationally. So in order to close a sale, you need to create emotions; however, you also need to provide the logic that is able to defend the purchasing decision.


Marketers must be able to provide the triggers that drive customers to purchase. Two elements are required: emotions and justification. And this applies to both consumer and business purchases.

Why should people buy our products?

The right messaging must be delivered. It has to capture the attention and explain the value of what is on offer. This is not easy. You need to grasp the emotions that are involved in the customer journey.

People make decisions based on emotions which are not always conscious. Uncover how your customers actually make their decisions and try genuinely to resonate with them.

Personalisation is worthless without emotional research

Today, machine-learning algorithms allow businesses to deliver the most relevant headline copy and tailored content to customers, while relevant products are being recommended automatically. Nevertheless, the process still begins with you knowing your customer.

Do your emotional research to understand what messages and types of experiences will resonate with customers. There are:

  • different segments of your audience
  • different levels of their emotional responses
  • people at different stages of the customer journey
  • different amounts of rational facts needed for justification of the purchasing decision (customer testimonials vs technical specs)

For example, if you offer alpine skiing, you can prepare different homepage experiences to different customer segments. This recommendation comes from an article on the website.

Focus on their needs. For season pass holders, you may emphasise the fact that they will get the most out of their season pass. For the family segment, describe how the whole family will have fun.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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