Promoting your business with videos (2/2): Finding the best video

The previous article offered some basic tips on how use video in marketing. Now let’s take a look at how to produce a truly successful video.


Test your videos regularly

In order to find out what videos work well for you, you need to track and test them. A/B testing for social media content is something you should do before you decide to spend large amounts of money on video production. Also keep in mind that it is an ongoing process.

How to start:

Put together some simple, short videos, each of which should carry a different message (these videos should be 15-60 seconds long).

  • Test videos with captions vs. videos with sound narration.
  • Test videos with music and sound effects vs. videos without sound.
  • Test informational videos vs. fun videos.

Use A/B testing to gather data and knowledge about your social media audience. You need insights about what the audience likes and dislikes. The fact that something worked for another business is no guarantee it will also work for yours. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Each time you produce a video, make sure you learn from the results. Expand your knowledge and make your future activities even more successful.

Monitor your videos

You must be curious about how successful each of your videos is. Define and monitor key performance indicators to be able to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful content.

  • How did the audience react?
  • Did the video lead to online conversations?
  • Did more people than usual engage with the post?
  • How are your engagement rates: are they higher on certain platforms?
  • What type of video brings you new followers?

By accruing insights, you will be able to build your content calendar. Step by step, you will have enough knowledge to tailor a social media marketing strategy that will bring fantastic results to your business.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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Promoting your business with videos (1/2): How to start


Promoting your business with videos (2/2): Finding the best video