Customer experience design is a never-ending process (2/2)

The previous article described one example of a classic sequence: people start with good intentions but end up creating something that actually makes a bad situation worse.


Even if the approval for your solution or a new process took many months to obtain, don’t believe that subsequently changing it would be embarrassing. If it doesn’t work for your customers, then you need to deploy another, superior solution. It would be more embarrassing to let your customers suffer. You need to face up to the situation concerning your customer experience design as it is now.

Were you a love brand?

If so, then first of all – congratulations! But don’t imagine your customers will continue to love you if you make interactions with your company challenging.

The case may be that once upon a time your customers loved you. You might have been a successful disrupting start-up. But now, several years later, perhaps their attitude has changed. Maybe you are no longer so fresh and innovative. Nowadays there may be new, more disruptive innovators. So stop living in the past: your customers are not such advocates for your company as they once were.

If your customers are not so enthusiastic any more, it’s time for you to innovate and you should do so quickly. Show your customers that you care. Thoughtful customer experience design is what will convey the message, according to an article on the website.

Optimise customer experience even for a worst case scenario

When designing your customer experience, think of your worst customer who is having a bad day. Don’t create services with ideal customers in mind: the thoughts of an excellent customer who likes and trusts you are completely different from the thoughts of people who are really not so fond of you. You should design a customer experience that will not further irritate a dissatisfied customer even on their worst day. Don’t cling to idealistic visions of your customers.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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Customer experience design is a never-ending process (1/2)


Customer experience design is a never-ending process (2/2)