10 quick confidence boosters

If you have recently suffered a professional setback, recovering your self-esteem is not always a simple process. Here are 10 simple tricks that will help you regain confidence.


The following recommendations appeared at entrepreneur.com.

Dress in black

In a study from 2015, respondents to a survey considered black to be the most attractive of all colours. They associated it with intelligence and confidence.

Wear scent

There is evidence to suggest that wearing perfume or eau de cologne increases self-confidence and also makes the wearer appear more attractive to others.

Listen to music

According to the available research, especially music with a heavy bass has a positive effect in building a person’s inner strength and determination.

Take a selfie

Taking any kind of photo makes people feel happy but the best effect on self-confidence is achieved by taking a selfie.

Dress for success

Research suggests this old adage contains some validity. In a role play involving a business deal, men in formal attire displayed more confidence than those who were casually dressed.

Be sociable

There is a possible correlation between membership of social groups and a person’s self-esteem. So seek to expand your social network.

Train body posture

A good body posture will not only aid your physical well-being: sitting up straight, for example, will put you in a better frame of mind than slouching in your seat.

Exercise outdoors

A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Health Research suggests a workout in the open air has beneficial effects on an individual’s self-esteem.

Address yourself as ‘you’

Talking to yourself in the second person rather than the I-form is more motivational – probably because it resembles advice being given by other people.


Mindfulness is an excellent way to take back control of your own thought processes. This in turn will give you much greater self-confidence.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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