10 ways to improve your creativity

There is a common belief that creative people are just born that way. In fact, if you go about it in the right way, you can become creative. Read the following 10 tips on how this can be achieved.


These recommendations were published by entrepreneur.com.

Forget about the brain of two halves

There is a traditional belief that right-brained people are creative and left-brained more analytical. However, a study published in 2013 found no evidence to support this theory.

Educate yourself

Nowadays it is all too easy to rely on the Internet for instant information, but if you want to understand something properly, use more sources and then try to summarise the main ideas for yourself.

Stretch your legs

Research indicates creativity can be stimulated by any kind of walking – be it a lengthy hike or exercising on a treadmill.

Embrace new experiences

The so-called “big five” personality traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. Creative people score high on openness by embracing new ideas in unfamiliar settings.

Increase your fruit and veg intake

There is research to suggest that people who eat more fruit and vegetables display a higher degree of curiosity than people who consume such produce in smaller amounts.

Design a mood board

Mood boards are used in the field of fashion design, residential design, but also brand building. These are collages designed to visualize the atmosphere of a proposed service. Research comparing the effect of using mood boards confirms increased creativity for all users.

Paint your room

This apparently eccentric notion is again supported by research: painting the walls blue or green will boost your creativity.

Record your dreams

A correlation has been discovered between what we dream at night and our creativity during the day. So keep a regular record of the content of your dreams.

Set yourself challenges

Great things can be achieved with minimum resources. Take, for example, children’s author Dr. Seuss, who was challenged by his editor to write a book using a maximum vocabulary of 50 words. The result was his classic story Green Eggs and Ham.

Think of others

Bearing in mind that other people will be using your work at some stage may inspire you to be more innovative.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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