3 reasons why you feel you don't manage time wisely

Time management is a necessary skill for all ambitious and active workers. Many people, however, feel they're constantly falling behind. However, only a few small changes can sort out the situation immediately. If you are also among people who feel like they're chronically lagging behind their schedule, here are three possible reasons why that happens.


No vision and no plan

According to INC.com, many people work without having a significant plan in mind. Many of us maintain the status quo without proceeding to some kind of vision. Define your goal and plans, and it will help you set out your priorities. If you have priorities, you'll work better, and be better able figure out what's important and what isn't.

Weakness in relation to others

A typical problem of people who don't manage their work is doing other people's work, or not paying enough attention to their own work. It's often because they aren't able to say “no” or they aren't physically able to separate themselves from people who want something from them. Often what happens is that the person puts off their duties, tries to multitask and lets people interrupt them, which leads to a slow and low-quality performance.

Subconscious sabotage

The most dangerous phenomenon in relation to time management is subconsciously sabotaging your duties. People often postpone tasks they don't want to do for some reason, and so they procrastinate. There are numerous reasons for that. They might be afraid of the failure that might await them at the end of the project. Also, they can be afraid of the vision of success.

Often, the task is uncomfortable or tedious. They often do other, less important and routine tasks that appease them because they think they're working hard, while in fact they are only solving things on the surface without going deeper into the problem or project.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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