Retaining talents: What to do

When it comes to the workforce, engagement and efficiency are crucial. Any newcomers need to understand your company’s processes and culture very quickly. Try to design an induction programme that will help your new colleagues to be as productive as possible as quickly as possible.


Very soon, flexible working will be the main weapon for winning the battle of retaining talents. However, remote working programmes may lead to lost opportunities for collaboration. The importance of being physically present is still valid. That is why innovative employers enable flexibility but also encourage their staff to have face-to-face encounters.

More and more, employees like to have greater control of their working day. Nowadays, employers are seen as facilitators, not paternalistic providers. Giving your employees a greater say over how they manage their time can be a good idea.

Provide instant feedback

The annual performance review is becoming a rather time-consuming exercise. The new way of supplying feedback is a “little and often” approach. Cloud-based apps can be used to provide continuing performance conversations and instant evaluation. Millennials in particular tend to appreciate frequent feedback, according to an article on the website.

Promote diversity: it can have an effect on financial success

Companies with the most ethnically or culturally diverse boards are 43% more likely to achieve better profitability. The reason may be that reducing homogeneity at work makes people more aware of their own biases. If we work with someone who thinks differently, we are challenged more and prompted to seek better answers.


Article source Director Magazine - britský časopis pro vedoucí pracovníky především malých a středních podniků
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