Tough marketing decision: in-house marketing team or agency?

Imagine the following situation: You have a great product. You know your business can become a success. All you need is to bridge the gap between your company’s product and your target customers.


You need to tell the market that your product is here. And you also need to promote it in a consistent and intelligent way. The question is whether you should use an in-house marketing team or hire a professional agency. Read the following comparison and then decide: this is the advice of the website.

In-house marketing team

What are the benefits of in-house marketers?

  • They are familiar with how your business operates.
  • They understand your vision and company culture.
  • Your sales and marketing have a high chance of actually being aligned.
  • Development opportunities for your staff.

In-house marketers can develop a really intimate knowledge of the company and its product. The alignment with the sales team allows for messaging and marketing campaigns that hit the spot.

However, in-house marketing also involves several limitations – mostly with regard to money.

  • You need to have a decent budget to fund the hiring and training of marketing professionals.
  • For an integrated marketing plan, you need multiple roles (social media, content production, SEO, PPC, messaging).
  • In-house marketers are busy with their day-to-day tasks. Adding a new, large project may prove impossible to execute.

Marketing agencies

The benefits of marketing agencies include particularly the following:

  • They have an expert on everything: every marketing subject or discipline is covered. They can develop entire strategies for you.
  • They may execute campaigns quickly to help you deliver your business goals.
  • They have the capacity to manage multiple marketing channels and tasks.
  • They are better-equipped to provide resources quickly when needed.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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