Gifts a leader can give to employees (2/2)

The previous article explained how some of the best gifts leaders can give to subordinates is a genuine interest in them and helpful feedback, delivered in an authentic way and timely manner. Now we will look at some other examples of what good leadership is all about.


Feedback once again

Since feedback is a really crucial element of good leadership, the website elaborates on it in a little more detail. We should schedule a specific slot in the calendar for providing feedback so as to ensure sufficient time is blocked for this important activity. It should be as strong a habit as a pre-Christmas exchange of gifts. It is good if the recipient knows about the session in advance so they can fully prepare for it and be responsive to the feedback.

Authenticity is a powerful tool for leaders

Not only when giving feedback but also on every other occasion you should be able to reveal your true self. Convey your modesty, credibility and also trust in your team by displaying these traits. By being truly human you will create an atmosphere that invites others to show their true selves too.

Don’t lead by letting your big ego steer the wheel. That is the complete opposite of what it means to be an authentic leader. Remember that leadership is not about you; it is about your colleagues. Only when you have put your own desires and needs behind you, will you be able to focus totally on bringing the experience of true leadership to your team.

Giving recognition

Praise and recognition for a job that was well done is what makes your colleagues aware of the fact their work is appreciated. Appropriately worded praise is always helpful. By acknowledging the contributions others make, you will enhance their enthusiasm and commitment.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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Gifts a leader can give to employees (1/2)


Gifts a leader can give to employees (2/2)