If you are depressed, buying new things won't help you

Are you feeling low? Do you think purchasing something new will have a dramatic effect on improving your life? Then beware: buying something is usually not an appropriate way to get back on your feet.


Everything that is really able radically to improve your life is free. You don’t need to buy a single thing. Purely and simply, buying something is not what you need to improve your life.

When do we feel the urge to change our life? Usually this need arises when we are hit by something like the following:

  • You’ve suffered a setback
  • You’re in a dark place with pessimistic thoughts
  • There was a tragedy, e.g. you may have lost a loved one

And it is in such instances we may think there is a quick fix: buying something that will cheer us up. But that is not how things work.

Any meaningful change starts with you yourself

To get out of a difficult place in your life you need to work on yourself. And if you want to spend money, use it not for buying objects but for personal development. Or even better, you can improve your life dramatically by means that are free. 

  • Spend time with your family to put things in perspective: you will realise what is important.
  • Take a trip out to the countryside: you will get a clear head. That is what you need. Sit and contemplate life. When you are in the country, you escape artificial light and a hectic environment where clear thinking can be difficult.
  • Take some time off if you have annual leave or sick days. Especially if you are stuck in a rut, you might use some free time to look beyond the everyday grind. You can think and reflect on your life – which is just what you need.

You can thus recoup and return to work full of confidence regarding what you want to change, according to addicted2success.com.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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