Are your current presentation skills good enough? Present like a leader

Are you a leader? Do you sound like a leader when you deliver a speech? Leaders are people who guide others to take action. That way they ensure necessary changes will be implemented.


If you want to be a true leader, your speeches must:

  • Inspire and motivate others
  • Guide your team and also other teams to work together
  • Make clear that you accept responsibility for achieving progress

Much of the work of a leader is done through speaking. Use the following guidelines published on the website in order to speak like a leader.

Describe the need

You must get people to accept the need to change. Therefore, start by describing that need. What is wrong with how things are at the moment? People are often comfortable with the status quo, so you have to emphasise why change is necessary. Describe what the consequences of not changing would be. Why will what works now not work in the future?

Talk about your vision

We all need to visualise how things will look after the change. That is what inspires and motivates us to work harder, learn new procedures and kick our old, unproductive habits. Share your vision of the new way of how things should be done.

What’s in it for individuals?

In order to convince people, you should include persuasive images and use simple language. You need to win others over so as to get them to start working in the right, desirable direction. Respond to the needs of your audience so you will sound persuasive. Use stories and examples. Your audience will then really feel much more aware of the situation and will better understand the changes you are advocating.


Article source Presentation Magazine - free presentation resources
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