Do you feel it is time for a change?

Our habits help us manage our everyday lives. But sometimes we start to be so accustomed to our habits and become so controlled by them that we feel we will never be able to change them.


However, our habits are only as powerful as we allow them to be. Change your attitudes and habits by doing the following:

Start forming a new habit

Pick a habit you want to change. It might be, for example, arriving late at meetings. Start creating a new habit: always be there 20 minutes before the meeting starts. Repeat that, then do it again and again.

Recent research suggests habits are formed in a timespan that can be anything between 18 and 254 days. After that period they become fully automated. So changing habits does take some time.

Change your attitudes and your thoughts

If you change your thoughts, you will slowly start to see different results. Negative thoughts lead to negative results by making us focus on the negative aspects of everything around us. So try to think in a more positive way.

In order to become more satisfied with your life, try to be grateful and offer a silent thanks for what you have in your life. This advice comes from

Take on a new perspective

Remember that we ourselves are the ones who give meaning to everything around us. Our way of seeing things is the basis of how we perceive them. If we change our perspective, everything we observe or experience suddenly changes as well.

If, for example, you haven’t managed to complete your daily tasks, don't feel demoralised. Maybe you are simply very active and have been able to start or finish many other things, previously unplanned. Of course, you still need a degree of self-reflection so as to be able to change your perspectives without being dishonest to yourself.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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