How to rediscover enthusiasm for work

Marie Kondo, a Japanese tidying guru, has some advice that can be well applied to working lives anywhere. Thanks to these tips, you will be able to experience joy even when performing mundane tasks.


Start by being grateful. Try to express this gratitude at work more often so that it no longer strikes you as strange. You will thus motivate other people and also become a more positive thinking person yourself.

In order to become more satisfied, you need to determine what you should focus on and put everything else to one side.

Assess what you are doing and focus on the important parts

It often happens that people used to have a clear vision of what their contribution should be to the common effort of their company. After some time, however, they may have forgetten what their initial motivation was as their focus gradually drifted elsewhere.

Do you still remember what your sense of purpose was when you began in your current role? Do you know what the most valuable part is of your daily work? Maybe things have evolved and changed and today you simply cannot be as efficient and streamlined as you used to be. Perhaps it is time to reorganise your team or how things are done.

Focus on what constitutes your best contributions. What is your vision and how do you push things in that direction? The key is to strip away the non-essentials. Consider also what you should not be working on and where, on the contrary, your best skills can be deployed.

Are the members of your team best suited for their positions?

You shouldn’t rely solely on financial perks to satisfy and motivate your staff. You need to do more than that. Start by assessing yourself and your team. When was the last time you assessed your own contributions – or those of your subordinates? You should do this to find out who is best for which tasks, according to

Schedule meetings with others in order to review their job descriptions and the tasks they are currently working on. It is worth honing and practising your communication skills: at the same time, you may realise what changes are needed to make the entire team more efficient.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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