Workers cum managers will not benefit the company (2/2): What to do about it?

The previous article explained why combining the responsibilities of ordinary work with managerial supervision is not a very good idea as it leads to multiple risks. Now we will look at some more of the negative impacts – and what can be done to change such a situation.


If you improve the situation of managers that at the same time also function as regular workers, they will have more time to support and develop their subordinates, who will then trust their managers more, according to an article on the website.

The perceived lack of authority is critical

Employees often see working managers as highly experienced and knowledgeable about their work. However, they don’t believe such managers have the status to help or support them as they are regarded as not really being in charge. Thus from an employee perspective, these managers are simply not a reliable source of support.

Not considered real managers by superiors either

Senior management also often views working managers primarily as skilled workers. The managerial part of their role is secondary. The result is that they usually lack influence and have little access to leadership training or development. If they raise a problem or ask for resources, they are generally not taken very seriously. Working managers are also occupied by their daily working tasks, so they don’t have time to think about their teams from a long term perspective and lead them accordingly.

Improve the organisational structure

Theoretically this arrangement of line managers supplementing workers can sometimes conceal an understaffing problem. Perhaps simply more line managers are needed.

Reflect on what should change so as to avoid the need for such working managers. What kind of proper full-time managers would you have to hire and with what skills? What could be achieved by the change and which results would probably improve?

Review also staffing needs in terms of current demands and anticipated growth. You may discover you already have candidates for new, fully competent line managers within your existing staff.




Article source - open community for business professionals
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Workers cum managers will not benefit the company (1/2)


Workers cum managers will not benefit the company (2/2): What to do about it?