Why we shouldn’t glorify failure

Given the pace of change today, probably all of us know that we shouldn’t be ashamed of failure. Many people have failed and many people are failing at this very moment. The important thing is to keep trying.


At the same time we should not glorify our failures. True, failures are an important part of learning and in that sense we may feel better for having made an effort and claim the failure was really no big deal. However, this line of thinking may have serious consequences.

It prevents learning from mistakes

We usually fail because we made some mistakes. Next time we want to avoid these. In order to move forward, we need to learn a lesson from our mistakes. But by glorifying failure we focus more on justifying why the failure occurred rather than on learning from it.

It puts us in defensive mode

By glorifying failure, we are simply defending the actions which led to the failure. We start looking for reasons for what happened. If it was a relationship, we will have a tendency to accuse the other person and not blame it on ourselves.

We need to uncover and also acknowledge our own mistakes, according to an article on the addicted2success.com website.

It makes us lazy

Don’t praise yourself for your failures but use them to become resilient. Discomfort and uncertainty will eventually be followed by success. Failure can teach you this but you must learn from it rather than see it as a source of joy.

Without taking risks, you will always be mediocre

Failure also occurs if we take no action and only remain passive. If we don’t take risks, we have already failed even if we might not realise it. We have become used to failure and allowed it to take over our life.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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